PRF Microneedling Before and After Eyes: The Beauty Revolution

PRF Microneedling is an innovative treatment in the world of skincare and aesthetics. If you want to achieve a youthful glow, microneedling will offer you promising results. Another term for PRF Microneedling is Platelet-Rich Fibrin Microneedling. It's considered a minimally invasive and natural approach to improving skin quality.

This cosmetic procedure combines microneedling with the use of platelet-rich fibrin. This procedure combines the power of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) with the precision of microneedling to deliver remarkable benefits for your skin.  In this blog post, we will be exploring what it is, how it works, and the incredible benefits it can provide.

What is PRF Microneedling for?

The PRF contains growth factors that can amplify healing and promote skin rejuvenation. It can potentially lead to improved skin texture, reduced fine lines, dark circles, and overall skin rejuvenation.

Here are common uses for PRF Microneedling

➢ Anti-Aging: PRF treatment is often sought to reduce the signs of aging. It helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles. By stimulating collagen and elastin production, it contributes to a more youthful appearance.

➢ Acne Scarring: Individuals with acne scars can benefit from PRF Microneedling. It helps improve the texture of the skin. The micro-injuries created by microneedling can promote collagen growth and gradually reduce the appearance of acne scars.

➢ Uneven Skin Tone and Texture: PRF Microneedling is effective in reducing the visibility of enlarged pores, rough skin, and uneven pigmentation.

➢ Stretch Marks: By stimulating collagen production, it can soften stretches and make them less noticeable.

➢ Skin Laxity: PRF Microneedling can amplify skin tightness and firmness.

➢ Overall Skin Rejuvenation: You can opt for PRF Microneedling skin rejuvenation treatment. It promotes healthier, more youthful-looking skin by stimulating natural healing.

If you are looking for the best PRF Microneedling near Staten Island, you can rely on Let's Heal Your Skin. We offer microneedling services in Staten Island, NY. Our qualified skin care specialist will determine if PRF Microneedling is suitable for your specific skin concerns and goals. We will provide a personalized assessment and treatment plan according to your needs.

How It Stimulates Natural Healing

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a component of your own blood. PRF is packed with growth factors and various proteins. During a PRF microneedling procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn.

The blood is then processed to concentrate the platelets and growth factors. It is subsequently applied to your skin with a microneedling device. PRF is rich in healing components that stimulate tissue repair, collagen production, and cell growth. PRF therapy is a regenerative treatment, similar in function to platelet-rich plasma (PRP), however, unlike PRP has no additives.

The PRF injections improve collagen and elastin production, leading to improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and an overall youthful appearance. Results become more noticeable as your skin continues to heal and regenerate.

Duration of a PRF Microneedling Session

The duration of a PRF microneedling session can vary, depending on the specific treatment area. On average, the total time with numbing cream for PRF microneedling session for the face takes 45 to 60' minutes, including areas around the eyes.

However, these factors can influence the total duration:

  1. If you are only targeting a specific area, such as the skin around the eyes, the procedure may take less time compared to treating the entire face.

  2. A topical numbing cream is usually applied to minimize discomfort. The time it takes for the numbing cream to take effect can add some extra minutes to the session.

  3. The process of drawing your blood and processing it to obtain PRF takes some additional time.

Duration of PRF Microneedling Results

The results, from PRF microneedling, can vary from person to person. It depends on several factors including

- Your skin type.

          - The specific concerns being addressed.

        - Your age.

          - Your lifestyle.

In general, the effects of a PRF microneedling treatment can last for several months to up to a year or more.

  • The initial results become noticeable within a few weeks of the procedure. You can continue to see improvements over several months as collagen continues to rebuild.

  • Everyone's skin is unique, and individual responses to the treatment can vary.

  • Recommend three treatments that will help sustain the improvements achieved during the initial treatment.

  • Lifestyle factors, such as diet, stress, smoking, and alcohol consumption, can influence the longevity of your results. A healthy lifestyle can promote healthier skin.


The information provided here is only for informational purposes. To get medical advice, you can consult with our qualified practitioner to discuss your specific needs and goals. They can provide guidance on how you can undergo PRF microneedling treatments for optimal results. To book an appointment, click here.


PRF Microneedling Before and After: Reveal Your Beauty


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